Always-on fundraising drives double digit growth

01 Case Study Overview

Cancer Council is one of WA’s most beloved charities. And it’s no wonder given the work the organisation does to fund world-leading local research into the causes and cures for cancer.

This is achieved through fundraising and engaging Western Australians to support our shared vision for a cancer-free future.

Cancer Council WA (CCWA) has always used integrated media to support if various campaigns and promote its services, but in 2021 saw an opportunity to test always-on digital advertising to support organisational and fundraising goals.

With significant experience working helping large not-for-profits successfully adopt an always-on approach that could still incorporate specific campaigns, Clue was engaged to make it happen with a modest goal to grow online giving by 5% over 12 months. The results were incredible!

Client Cancer Council WA
Industry Not-For-Profit
Year of Completion 2022

02 Our Approach

We built a 12 month Always-On ad strategy to generate high impact across West Australians. 

We identified specific key activities for building awareness and driving traffic in the not-for-profit sector, which resulted in six Always-On ad campaigns. These provided a year-round exposure of the brand via Facebook and Google Ads.

Working closely with Cancer Council WA’s team allowed us to obtain essential feedback and optimisation suggestions to continually refine our campaign strategy. These included sharpening campaign timings, making sure we were always addressing the target audience, and reviewing campaign objectives, to use the budget most effectively.

Each campaign focused on exposing more West Aussies to a different service and enlisting their support online. We used storytelling and paid promotion to help the conversion of viewers into donors and supported the implementation of these activities with development of capabilities in analytics, conversion and supporter engagement.

03 The Outcome

Over the past year, Clue worked with CCWA to achieve a 42% increase in revenue on the website with over $1.5 million in donations, a 17% increase in searches of the brand name Cancer Council WA, and over 2 million people reached with their Facebook page (37% increase).

  • 42%Increase in Revenue
  • 17%Increase in Brand Name Searches
  • 37%Increase in Facebook Reach
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