Emergency Action Alliance raises millions for Ukrainian refugees

01 Case Study Overview

The Emergency Action Alliance represents 15 Australian-based international development agencies that combine their expertise to better respond to humanitarian crises around the world.

Working together during humanitarian appeals allows member charities to fundraise as a single body, making it easier for Australians to give and allowing them to better help those most in need.

Emergency Action Alliance members include:

  • Act for Peace
  • Action:aid
  • ADRA
  • Anglican Overseas Aid
  • Australian Lutheran World Service
  • Australia for UNHCR
  • Baptist World Aid Australia
  • CARE Australia
  • Caritas Australia
  • ChildFund Australia
  • Plan International
  • Save the Children Australia
  • Oxfam Australia


Early in 2022, Clue was engaged to help the newly established Emergency Action Alliance prepare its first emergency appeal. In late February Russia invaded Ukraine, immediately triggering a refugee crisis, with over seven million people displaced (Source: UNHCR, Government).

In a genuine case of brand purpose in practice, we jumped at the opportunity to help the Emergency Action Alliance raise critical funds to support the humanitarian response. Despite several challenges, the campaign was a success and has established the Emergency Action Alliance as a model for the future of fundraising.

All images used with permission from Emergency Action Alliance and UNHCR

Client Emergency Action Alliance
Industry Not-For-Profit
  • Marketing
Year of Completion 2022

02 The Challenge

Emergency Action Alliance was a new brand with little awareness among Australians. It was untested and needed to prove that it could successfully raise funds on behalf of its member charities. What’s more, it would need to compete with some of Australia’s most trusted charitable organisations.

When first engaged by Emergency Action Alliance, our plan was to help build authority online and draw on best practices from within large international development agencies (who go-to-market with full above the line media within 6-8 hours of an appeal being announced). Emergencies however never happen at a good time, which meant despite the challenges we needed to move quickly and make it work.

03 Our Approach

Our aim was to do everything we could to make this appeal successful. This meant working closely with the Emergency Action Alliance, a working group of subject matter experts from the 15 member organisations, and agency partners.

While our focus was search engine advertising and website management, the Clue team provided additional support with social media advertising, as well as drawing on the team’s experience supporting other emergency appeals to provide additional support and strategic advice.

This additional support includes being asked whether we can produce a television commercial ready to air by close of business the following day. We had some doubts about pulling this off, but committed to giving it our best.

Scripts were written and approved within hours that day. Footage was compiled and the team and Logic Films got on board to record the voice over and edit the footage. Somehow we met the deadline and had a television commercial delivered to six stations on time.

As the peak of the appeal passed our team was exhilarated, exhausted, and incredibly proud to have played our part.

04 The Outcome

Emergency Action Alliance raised over $2.3 million and received an additional $2 million from the Australian government. This money was distributed to member organisations who are on the ground supporting Ukrainian refugees.

This was an incredible result and something everyone involved is proud to have been part of.

The success of this campaign proved the Emergency Action Alliance can be successful and represents the future of how Australians can support humanitarian emergencies.

We encourage you to check out the Emergency Action Alliance and think of them the next time you hear of an unfolding humanitarian crisis around the world – we will too!

  • $2.4mGeneral Donations
  • $252Average Gift
  • 10:1Total ROI

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