How to Setup and Configure GA4
We’ve compiled the very best resources to make setting up and configuring your GA4 property easy.
With a name like “Universal Analytics,” you’d be forgiven for thinking that UA would have been as comprehensive as it got. After all, the term “universal” is all encompassing in nature.
However, with the release of Google Analytics 4 (GA4), the powers that be at Google have out done themselves yet again.
We penned a great article outlining what makes this such a major shift. But don’t feel intimidated or daunted. Google has emphasised on numerous occasions that this will not be an overnight switch. Instead, it will be a gradual transition.
This measured approach provides businesses with the unique opportunity to run Universal Analytics (UA) and Google Analytics 4 (GA4) at the same time. Running both analytics properties in parallel means you can begin collecting historical data before Google eventually turns UA off.
“How do I even install GA4?” “What does set up involve?” “How do I run it together with UA?”We hear you.
And we got you.
We’ve compiled the very best resources to will help you set up and configure your new GA4 property.
How to set up GA4
Setting up Google Analytics 4 (GA4) will be different, depending on where you are in the Google product ecosystem. Whether you’ve used Universal Analytics prior or have never actually considered using Google Analytics until now – we’ve got you covered with reading that will get you right up to speed.
Get started with Analytics – Analytics Help
If you’re new to Google Analytics, we recommend you start here. Straight from the source itself, this article is for anyone wanting to set up Analytics for a website and/or app for the first time.
Get to Know Google Analytics 4: A Complete Guide
The GA4 Guide published by the team at Search Engine Journal is the best place to start! Pertinent to existing users of Google Analytics, this guide gives you a brilliant step-by-step guide to setting up GA4 in parallel to your current use of Universal Analytics.
[GA4] Set up Analytics for a website and/or app
Already familiar with Google Analytics but want to set up Google Analytics 4 on a new website or app? Then this is the article for you!
[GA4] Set up Analytics for a CMS-hosted website
If you have a CMS-hosted website (like WordPress, Squarespace or Shopify for example) and want to set up GA4, then this is the article for you.
Add a Google Analytics 4 property (to a site that already has Analytics)
Does your website already have Universal Analytics and you want to begin transitioning to GA4? This article will outline how to set up a Google Analytics 4 property alongside your existing Universal Analytics property.
What You Need to Know About Google Analytics 4
As previously highlighted – Clue General Manager, Stephen Ellis, has penned an intro to GA4 with everything that you need to know about the recent changes. This article will help set the context for the changing landscape.
Google Analytics 4: Ask Me Anything
If you’re still unsure about GA4, Cardinal Path recently ran an AMA seminar which might provide more insight into the shift from Universal Analytics to GA4.
Steps to configure GA4
Now that you’re familiar with GA4 and have the property installed, let’s make sure it’s configured and fit-for-purpose. From dual tagging to use on websites or mobile only applications, there are practical and helpful steps to ensure you get the most out of GA4.
Implementing Google Analytics 4 on your Website
This Cardinal Path article on implementing GA4 on your website is a great source because it provides an overview on dual tagging. Dual tagging is best practice for implementing GA4 on your site before Google forces the migration. The team at Cardinal Path provides a detailed step-by-step process into how to not only install but also make the most of dual tagging.
Google Tag Manager: A GA4 Beginner’s Guide
The process of dual tagging is made much easier with the use of Google Tag Manager. So look no further than Search Engine Journal’s guide to using Tag Manager. When used in tandem, you can deploy many of the same variables that you have already defined for your GA Universal tracking while accessing any new tracking capabilities that may become available in GA4
How to successfully transition to GA4
Once you’ve set up your GA4 property alongside Universal Analytics, there are a number of items to consider as you begin your analytical transformation. Thankfully, Cardinal Path has a comprehensive list outlining the five key stages you must consider during this migration.
Google Analytics 4 Tutorial – How to get started quickly with GA4
This brilliant video by Loves Data is an insightful watch. Only 12 minutes long, it’s a quick intro into how best to begin configuring your use of GA4, how to upgrade your existing property and so much more!
Google Analytics 4 tutorial 2021 (1 hour GA4 course)
This one hour course hosted by the team at Analytics Mania covers GA4 in great depth. From installation and configuration, to reporting and tracking, this is a great tutorial for those looking to get the most out of GA4.
[GA4] Set up data collection for an app
If you are a mobile app owner and have already set up GA4 and an app data stream, this article outlines how to set up data collection for your app within your GA4 property.
[GA4] Filter and report on data subsets
This article is for website and/or app owners who filter or report on subsets of data using Universal Analytics views, and who want to recreate this functionality in a Google Analytics 4 property.