Reporting for Duty – Setting Up Reports in GA4
When it comes to data and analytics, they cannot be looked at in isolation. Numbers on their own, rarely ever tell the whole story. In contrast, good reporting sets data in context – it brings into focus key insights while removing the clutter that might confuse or dilute. Most importantly, reporting is storytelling – not for yourself – but for your customer.
Headline: Collecting the appropriate data is important. Communicating it effectively requires comprehensive reporting that is clear and concise.
Highlight: With a wider range of configuration options, Google Analytics 4 (GA4) can now highlight greater insights and present data in formats that will make sense to your team and clients.
Real time reports: The first report available in the GA4 navigation, real time reports provide any data collected in the last 30 minute period. This can help monitor the response to a new product campaign or to see if tracking codes are working.
User snapshots: GA4 now allows you to generate a single snapshot for any individual user. This gives you insight into a range of data including location and engagement.
Recommended action: Reporting in GA4 is storytelling through data. It is dualistic in nature; so always consider what your customers are telling you, and how organizational goals can align with these insights.
How to setup reports in GA4
No point collecting data without telling a cohesive and coherent story with it. Here, we’ve compiled some of the best resources available that dive into the power and potential of reporting in GA4 and how it differs – for the better – from UA.
Another great series of articles available through the Google Analytics Help Centre, they cover reporting within GA4 including:
- Reports broadly
- Custom dimensions and metrics
- Data filters
- Filtering out internal traffic
- Default channel grouping
- The Analytics app
- Data thresholds
- Known bot-traffic exclusion
If you want to get reporting right, this video is the perfect place to start. Reporting on landing pages is an important part of assessing the success of any marketing initiative. The team at Loves Data have produced a great video detailing how best to report on landing pages amidst the shift from UA to GA4.
In Search Engine Journal’s comprehensive GA4 Guide, there is an entire section dedicated to reporting. Giving you a brief overview of reports in GA4, they go on to outline the best ways in which you can use GA4 to transform your reporting with sections dedicated to the various kinds of reports that you can generate.
This post by Easy Reporting goes one step further, going into rich detail about GA4’s new feature, “Analysis Hub.” Dissecting and highlighting the different templates available along with the rich potential for report customization, it becomes clear that reporting on Google Analytics 4 will allow you to see your data in a more intuitive form.
How to use funnel reports in GA4
How do potential prospects become shoppers? How do you create lifetime customers? Funnel analysis allows you to decipher the steps required to get users to a desired outcome. Funnel reporting in GA4 is vital for understanding the behaviour of your audience, transforming the data and making it easier to visualize.
As always, Google is a great source of truth regarding GA4 – no surprises there. From creating a funnel report to comparing audience segments, this article covers funnel exploration from the very beginning, making it a great place to start.
A helpful table published by Google, this covers the discrepancies that you might see when reviewing your funnel visualization and goal flow reports. From loopbacks to the order of funnel steps, the table outlines some main features of the two reports and highlights why you may see some differences.
This article published by Shopify is helpful for ecommerce businesses who have made or looking to make the transition to GA4. This manual will help you understand what goals and funnels are, preparing your own goals and funnels, and setting them up in Google Analytics.
Originally published in 2018, but edited earlier this year for GA4, the team at CXL go through their six ways to set up funnels in Google Analytics. With a diverse range of options presented, this is a brilliant resource that goes into great detail to help refocus your funnel strategy for conversion optimization.