What Counts as Level 5 or 6 Critical Support Over the Holidays?

Our last trading day of 2024 will be Friday the 20th December, we will re-open again on Monday the 6th January 2025. We wish you a safe and happy festive season!

Support over the Holiday Period

From the 20th of December we will only be able to offer Level 5 & Level 6 Critical Support to our clients, via phone. All emails to will not responded to between the 21st December – 5th of January.  Access to Critical Support will be available through the usual office phone number (08) 9368 0777, which will be redirected to an answering service, where you are required to let the operator know its a “critical support issue”. Our team members will then be notified via SMS and actioned as required.

What Counts as Level 5 & 6 Critical Support?

Level 5 Support covers only critical website issues that cause significant impact on the client’s primary business function; for example if the entire website crashes due to code errors or if customers cannot place orders. Level 6 Support applies only for critical server and network issues. This is if the web server fails or is unreachable due to hardware, software or network failure or if there is a serious security issue or vulnerability, for example a hacking attempt or DDOS attack.

From the 6th January support will be available as normal, so if your issue is not Level 5 or Level 6 Critical, please wait until then to contact us and we will be happy to help.

Billing Updates

We will be unable to send out invoices or receipts during the holiday period.

Direct debit payments will be withdrawn on their standard date, while credit card payments will be processed the day the office re-opens. All invoices and receipts will be emailed out by the 15th of January.

If you have any questions or concerns about this, please contact the office before end of day on the 20th of December.

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