Michael Craig

Articles 49 to 56 of 67
Link Building - Get Started with these Four Strategies

Link Building - Get Started with these Four Strategies

Link building is an important element to “SEO”, yet it is still one of the most time consuming and challenging skills to master and one where ranking results are hard to directly attribute to the backlinks you have created. There was a brief time where link building was a technical skill that heavily relied on spun article software, spammy links and automated directory listings.

Category: Marketing
Multi-Channel vs Omni-Channel Ecommerce

Multi-Channel vs Omni-Channel Ecommerce

The difference between a multi-channel and omni-channel ecommerce strategy is the approach you take towards driving sales through your digital channels and the approach you have towards your customer’s shopping experience through UX (user experience). So before reading any further consider what your focus is across all your channels. Is it a sales objective? Or is it brand perception?

Category: eCommerce
Google Panda and Creating Quality Content - 6 Steps You Need to Follow

Google Panda and Creating Quality Content - 6 Steps You Need to Follow

The first Google Panda algorithm update was released in 2011, rocking the online world! Since then, there have been more than 28 updates to Google Panda, and it has been recognised as a core part of the search engines algorithm. In 2018, Panda is still very relevant and what was once the underultilised SEO tactic of producing quality content, has become our primary focus for improving how we position ourselves online organically.

Category: Marketing
Articles 49 to 56 of 67